Wednesday, 21 September 2011


Thre is nothing that shutters one's dreams as an unhappy marriage. There is nothing that frustrates and disappoints a person's heart as marriage filled with problems day by day,week after week and month after month.  On the other hand, there is nothing that comforts,encourages, soothes and stimulates one's hopes plans,aspiratoins and life as a happy marriage. In fact, the desire of every man and woman is to have a happy  marriage.
Marriage is monogamous: For one to exprience happiness in marriage, the principle of one man to one woman must believed, accepted and lived. Adam was given one wife by God. Polygamy cannot bring happiness. Extra-marrital relatoinship also cannot bring happiness. All the people in the Bible who had polygamous homes had alots of problems.

Marriage is to be heterosexual: This means man to woman or woman to man and not man to man or woman to woman. No woman or man can ever be happy while taking another male or female for a spouse and it is against God's plan,so it cannot bring happiness.

Marriage is an, One-Flesh Relatoinship: Here,Adam unites with his wife Eve to form one flesh.In our context, a ma leaves parents to cleave or join to his wife and both become one flesh.

THE REAL HAPPINESS in marriage is when a man or a woman commits his or her life totally. In the marriage vows,you promised "For better and for worse...till death do us part".Today, people see this merely as ritual,but God says,"What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder".Because people take their commitment very lightly, many marriage breakup for immature and unreasonable things.

Then unresolved problem, hurts and conflicts remains in that marriage. But it the high time to reaffirm your marriage as a permanent commitment and an unbreakable union, and to give stability to your marriage and security to your spouse, it is good to commit yourself to stay married forever,no matter what.A home which is both secure and happy must be built on a real understanding of what makes a marriage successful! 

How to avoid Divorce in Marriage. 

1. Both of them should know that it is sin not to solve their marital or domestic problems peacefully and humility.

2. Both the spouse should commit their lives to Jesus daily,willing to walk and live according toHis will.

3. Both of them should make a commitment to stay and rest together and to be faithful to each other as long as life in them lasts.

4. Both of them sould pray,worship,sing and reading the word of God together.Remember,the house that  prays together,stays together.

5.  Both of them should learn and practice communicating to each other ever when one does not feel like.

6. The rule of forgiveness must be accepted and pacticed by every spouse.

7.  Time must be created for the couple to be alone,away from the normal chores of life.

8. Let each spouse actually plan to assist the other in carrying family burdens.

9. At all cost , both spouses should avoid getting and staying angry.The attitude of condemnation,criticism and fault finding should be avoided.

10. Every spouse should know that it is hard to live with everybody. It is by effort and determination that marriages survive and thrive.

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