Your mind is to powerful tool given by God to help you live right. It is in your mind your WILL sit, it is in your mind where decisions that govern your life are processed. there is tremedous connetion between your mind and your tongue.
For anyone to know what is in your mind, one must be very keen on what comes out of your mouth. The area of your battle in your life, is in your mind. That is where you win or loose. I would like to say also that, your mind controls your life.
This is the reason why it is absolutely impotant to make sure that your mind is renewed daily,hourly, minite by minite through the word of God. You should practice, the book of Joshua 1:8,"Do not let this book of law depart from your mouth; MEDITATE on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it....then you will be prosperous and successful."
You must live a life where your mind is renewed daily, it is vey important. It is good to live according to the word of God, and not accordance to the sinful desire that are constantly in war in you, or according to the patterns of the world. It is good to have sound mind always, it is powerful and life becomes easy;
"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus".So 'be renewed in the spirit of your mind', Paul says in Romans 12:2 "Do not conform any longer to the pattens of this world, but be TRANSFORMED IN YOUR MIND by renewing of your mind"
We are living in days of great opportunities everywhere, but unfortunately many are living in terrible conditions and social problems, because of postponing decisions in their minds that would suddenly change their lives for good.
What is important to you is to change your mind and focus to the better things and use your tongue to confess positively always! This being the case, there is very need of getting your mind in a very good shape, because 'what a man thinketh in his heart,so is he' ,so what you think you are! There is no way you can get your mind to be in good shape without meditating the word of God.
"Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, THIINK ON THESE THINGS". This is how to plant the right seed in our mind so as to have health minds.
Great achievers are great thinkers, join them! The more you think big, the more your mind enlarges with new ideas and solutions. Do not allow your mind to just wander, but remember "A fool ettereth all his mind, but a wise man keepeth it till afterwards".
God has give you the ability to control your mind.Assist your tongue to speak geat success in and for your life,that occupies the way you think. Make up your mind right now! And do not forget there is a great connection between your mind and your tongue.
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