Is there intelligent life apart from man in the universe? Yes. Are they friends or foes? They are both. Is their civilisation older than ours? It is. Do we communicate with them? Of cause Yes, because some people have already. Who are these extraterrestrials? They are Angels.
Origin of Angels; angels like man were created by a special act of God. They were not formerly men,nor did they evolve,but were created as angels, and do not procreate. They are called 'sons of God' because they are directly created by God. It shows that God created angels before He created the earth.
So all angels were created sinless, but Lucifer who is the (devil) wanted to be like the Most High,through pride led rebellion of angels against God.So some angels are evil, they are called (demons) more to that they are our enemies or foes.
How could such a being turn away from God? Their fall was due to their deliberate, self-determined revolt against God. They choose self and their interest in preference to God and His interests.
These evil angels they also called evil spirit or demons, what they do is; To attack mankind spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and morally. Examples of this are: They oppose, hinder, take people captive, blindness of minds, seduce, oppress, deceive people, possess people, they are against every thing we do,torment people, and they wrestle against us.
How can we oppose them and defend ourselves from evil angels? The Lord has given the believers mighty spiritual weapons to defeat and thwart attack of satan and his angels: What about good angels, they minister to us. as God loves us, so angels are also interested in us.
The ministry of good angels to us is; To Reveal God's will to us, Guiding us, Providing physical needs, Protecting or guarding, Delivering us from harm, Strengthening and Ecouraging us and Sent in answer to our prayer.
What is an angel? An angel is a mirror without flaw containing the reflection of God's light. Angels are linked to us, we are not consider only what they are and do, but also that they are linked in fellowship with men.
Angels have such fellowship with us that they profess themselves to be our 'fellow servents.' I believe in angels because the Bible says they exist Angels from the realms of glory,wing your flight o'er all the earth. I believe in angels because I have sensed their presence in my life.
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